If your local council think you’ve had too much Housing Benefit (called an ‘overpayment’), they’ll usually reduce or stop your payments until they’ve got the extra money back.
You might be able to ask the council to reduce the amount you have to pay back, for example if they’ve made a mistake. You could also ask them to let you pay it back in smaller amounts, for example if paying more wouldn’t leave you enough to live on.
Check if the council made a mistake
The council might think you’ve been overpaid because they’ve got some information wrong. For example, they might think:- you’re earning more than you are
- you’ve got a spare room
- someone else should be helping to pay the rent
If you think you were paid the right amount
You can challenge the council’s decision. You’ll need to explain why you think you weren’t overpaid.If you’ve been paid too much by mistake
Read the overpayment letter, or call the council, to find out if they want you to pay back the overpayment. Sometimes they won’t ask you to pay them back if they know the overpayment was their fault. You should usually challenge paying back an overpayment if it wasn’t your fault and you couldn’t have known you were being overpaid. For example, you could challenge if the council:- made a mistake when calculating your payments
- didn’t correctly record your information or a change of circumstances you told them about
- didn’t put right a mistake you told them about
If the council didn’t make a mistake
You’ll usually need to pay the money back if you didn’t tell the council something you were meant to – for example if:- your rent went down
- you earned more – for example because you worked more hours
- your other benefits changed
- someone moved into or out of your home
- someone started getting Carer’s Allowance for looking after you