If you’re unhappy with the care you or your loved one is receiving, it’s important to take action to fix it.

We’ll guide you through the process of resolving common problems with care. But if you’re worried that someone is being ill-treated, you need to act now.

Contact your local council – they have a duty to follow up concerns. You can also contact our free Age UK Advice Line on 0800 169 65 65 or call the Action on Elder Abuse confidential helpline to discuss the situation.

I have an issue with...

Do you have concerns about the cleanliness, quality of personal care or behaviour of staff at your care home?

You can complain about anything that your local council does if it directly affects your care.

You can make a complaint about any aspect of NHS care, treatment or services. This includes GP, hospital, pharmacy, ambulance or community health services.

You have a right to receive a certain standard of care and be treated in a professional and caring way.