You might be able to get ‘new style’ Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) for up to 6 months while you look for a job. You can get it while you’re out of work, or if you’re working less than 16 hours a week.
You’ll usually need to show you’re looking for a full time job to claim new style JSA – this is 35 hours or more a week. You can look for a job with less hours and still be eligible if:
- you’re a carer
- you’re responsible for children aged under 13
- you can’t work full time because of a disability or illness
Check if you can get new style JSA
You can claim new style JSA if:- you’ve worked and paid Class 1 National Insurance in the last 2 to 3 years
- you’re 18 or over and under State Pension age
- working less than 16 hours a week
- available to work
- actively looking for work
- not in full-time education
- not claiming Income Support
- are under 18, but there are some exceptions if you’re 16 or 17
- have an illness or disability which means you can’t work – you should check if you can get ESA instead
If you can’t get new style JSA
Check if you’re eligible for Universal Credit – if you are, you can apply for that instead.How much JSA you’ll get
If you’re eligible for new style JSA, you can get a ‘personal allowance’ each week of up to:- £71.70 if you’re 18 to 24
- £90.50 if you’re 25 or over