Requiring Citizen Voice Body for Health and Social Care in Wales to have regard to code of practice on accessing premises to seek views in respect of health and social care services

New statutory instrument

New legislation has been issued in relation to the Citizen Voice Body and its obligations when accessing premises to seek views in respect of health and social care services.

Made on 28 June 2023, the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Act 2020 (Commencement No. 5) Order 2023 (SI.No.723/2023) brings into force section 19(3) and (4) of the Act on 1 July 2023 –

  • section 19(3) requires that the Citizen Voice Body – launched in April 2023 to work with the government, the NHS and local authorities to support the continuous improvement of person-centred health and care services – must have regard to the code of practice on access to premises for the purpose of seeking the views of people in respect of health and social care services, (the Code); and
  • section 19(4) requires that each local authority and NHS body must have regard to the Code (so far as the Code is relevant) in exercising any function that relates to the provision of health and social care services.

NB – the Welsh Government is currently reviewing responses to its recent consultation on the Citizen Voice Body, including in relation to its proposed code of guidance on access.

SI.No.723/2023 (W.109) is available from