DWP says it is currently issuing 30,000 universal credit migration notices a month to tax credit claimants

Department aims to have stepped this up to 80,000 a month by the end of the year, Universal Credit Senior Responsible Owner tells Select Committee

The DWP is currently issuing 30,000 universal credit migration notices a month to tax credit claimants, the Department's Universal Credit Senior Responsible Owner Neil Couling has told the Work and Pensions Committee.

During an evidence session before the Committee yesterday – as part of its inquiry into the cost of living support payments – Mr Couling was asked about the Department's progress in moving people onto universal credit.

NB – the DWP announced on 28 March 2023 that it is expanding its managed migration programme to tax credit only claimants with a view to bringing in the whole of Great Britain during 2023/2024.

Mr Couling advised –

'We are now stepping up the number of migration notices. These are the invitations to claim universal credit. In the last three months, we have stepped up from issuing 1,000 applications a month to 30,000 next month, and by the end of the year, we will be issuing 80,000 applications a month.'

The transcript of the Work and Pensions Committee's evidence session is available from parliament.uk