It is possible that after you have got an administration order, another debt comes to light that you didn't know about. Or you may have got into more debt.
This page tells you what to do.
Can a debt be added later?
If a creditor is accidentally missed off the administration order, you should tell the court. The court can include them in the administration order after the order has been made.
Any creditors who come to light after an administration order is in force, can be joined to the order. If the court agrees, they will not be paid until the other creditors have been paid to the agreed level. However, some courts are reluctant to accept debts that have accrued after the date of the administration order and if you apply to have new debts added there is a risk that the administration order will be revoked. This will depend on your circumstances and why you had to take on the new debt after the order was made.
You can tell the court about the debt at the hearing, if there is one, or by making an application on form N244 with a statement such as 'I wish to include the following debt in my application for an administration order to be heard on _____ at ______ because…'. You can get a copy of form N244 from HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) website at
If the court won't add the debt to the administration order
If the court won't add the debt to the administration order you will have to contact your creditor directly to agree a way to repay the debt.
Arranging a payment plan with your creditors